Here let me show you how totally cute this would be...
Right??? Day of the DECORATING (the tradition that follows the Day of the Thanks in our house)...I pulled out the buttons and pins and Styrofoam balls..I was VERY excited.
So they got started. And for about 10 minutes, things seemed to be going just the right direction. Of course, by the time I was done with dishes...I knew something had gone terribly awry.
No matter which angle you looked at...this was MOST definitely NOT what I'd expected...
The littlest one was not much interested in anything other than poking the ball with the pins so Beloved stepped in and helped her "make" a reindeer ornament...really, she just played with the glue...and complained bout how the Elmer's is the WORST GLUE EVER because it doesn't stick immediately. Beloved got out the tacky glue and then the hot glue...both of which offered more instant gratification, which kept her going just a little longer.
I kind of expected as much from the Bear and the Monkey Face...but THE BEAN? I really expected a pretty, buttony ball to hang on my tree. And she started out really strong, please note the "hat" portion. But alas...
Seriously? A Snowman? Pshaw!
I sat down, disgusted.
I picked up my own Styrofoam ball...I grabbed the buttons and beads...the girls had nearly exhausted the supply of pins on the table so I ran upstairs to raid the stash in my sewing room. The other thing I noticed was that I didn't have any of the right buttons. I mean...they are pretty enough...but not near Christmas-y enough...
But I did have fuzzy puff balls. Fuzzy puff balls could be Christmas-y.
But as I started, it didn't take VERY long to realize that poking pins through smallish fuzzy puff balls to cover a larger ball gets tedious...especially when everyone else is bored with it. I wish I could say, I pressed through and made a pretty, fuzzy puff ball Ball...but...well...
That's as far as I got...I kinda liked it when I was doing it...but looking at the!
Anyway...Elf was on...and we'd never seen it. While our ornaments didn't come out exactly as planned...the movie has been pretty good.
Well, I don't have pretty button-y Christmas ornaments...but I do have a FABULOUS Snowman and a Becky ornament...and it's even possible I have a reindeer. And NOBODY else has ANYTHING like them. Everyone always wants those one-of-a-kind things and I got mine FOR FREE.
I can't wait to tell their kids about the night of ornament making that misfired...and show them what they made.
See ya around...