For second lil sunshine girl...she turned 9 last week, maybe you didn't know. Anyway, for her birthday she received a ball of yarn and a crochet hook and the promise that her friend would teach her to crochet. So she brought said ball of yarn and crochet hook to church on Sunday and sat cross-legged on the floor between services with her creative little friend and the two of them taught my Bear to chain. And then she CHAINED, by crackie.
So I took this picture of her...the first one is STRAIGHT out of the camera...her eyes looked so pretty I thought I'd bump the saturation a skosh...I was right...TOTALLY made me happy.

Then there is this house...
Monkey Face got this house sometime after Christmas because it was on sale for 5 bucks...and I thought it might keep her busy for two minutes put together...'s been in pieces stuffed over by the piano since shortly after she got it...because it wasn't finished....or so I thought. The reality was they'd gotten tired of trying to color the ginormous thing with the 8 sad little markers that kept running out of ink. (What is with the tired markers that come in these things? I mean I got it for 5 dollars but somebody else bought it for $19.99...doesn't $19.99 warrant some REAL markers? ... But I digress)
So because I just knew that if I set it up they'd play in it and maybe they'd be cute er sumthin...and then I could pull out my new camera and snap-ety snap away...I set it up. Ulterior motives laid's sad really.
And I was right...I did get a couple of cute shots...but I found something else out about my new love. I found out it doesn't work the same as my old one...SHOCKING, I know.
Case in point...these two pictures...same location...same shot...(well, except the kid ducked)...the only difference was the flash. Now my old camera would flash and light the foreground target and drop the bright background a bit...this one...everything went dark. Intriguing really. Can't wait to figure out what setting is making it so.
Something else about this's wider than my old camera would take...
I like it.
See ya around...