Well, it's been a few years and few failures since I last decided to try to write 50,000 words in a month, but I thought, with all the other changes in my life, I'd give it a go.
For those of you who are new to NaNoWriMo, here's the link to what their plan entails. https://nanowrimo.org/ They even have a Junior division for the kids where the adults in their lives can help them to set a challenging but not completely unrealistic goal so that they, too, can dedicate their November to putting words on a page. https://ywp.nanowrimo.org/
Now that that is out of the way...on to MY plan.
I don't have a book this year, I don't have a short story. I suppose I could pull out some of the projects that I haven't finished...and I might. But this year is about getting back in the writing saddle. It's probably been 3 years since I've really written anything other than curriculum. Now, I'm ALWAYS writing that, but that feels very stilted and job-like. I miss having a story. Something to settle into and dream.
So, that's my goal for this year. Get back to dreaming while I write. I'm in a very quiet time in my life. No doubt, I'll fill you in if I do manage to write, but suffice to say, while I do work all the time, I am alone during my downtime a lot. What better time to hammer on the keys really. I'm not really an introvert, but I can play at one at least for November. :)
So, maybe there will be a story...maybe blogs...maybe just miles and miles of self-indulgent journaling. Who knows?
I hope you all fulfill your writing dreams in November (even if you desire to have NO writing dreams :) )
See you around,