Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Update on Legg-Perthes...

We had a checkup and X-Ray yesterday at Scottish Rite Hospital.  The degeneration of Bean's hip has gone farther than anything we'd hoped.  We are now in the C designation as opposed to B designation that early signs indicated in May.  At this time I don't know exactly what percentage of the femoral head is gone but the C designation means 50% or higher.  We also know that at least at this moment a portion of the femoral head is sitting outside the socket which could cause problems with regrowth if we can't get it tucked back under.

It looks like our year of wait-and-see has passed now and that we will be pursuing surgical options shortly.  I have no further information today.  We are waiting for a call back from Scottish Rite regarding possible plans of action.  At this moment I do expect that we will at least be looking at an MRI very soon and they actually spoke of an Arthrogram...which sounds like a more in depth scan with some sort of contrast dye injected into the hip.  The scans have to happen before any surgery is considered.  I will update as I research and as I hear more information.

As to Bean herself.  She has had no pain in months.  Actually the last 'pain' she had was after our day at Disneyland.  So this is quite a let down for her...she really felt that she must be much better because it didn't hurt. 

Please keep her in your prayers.  She is a very little girl with a very big heart and a lot of faith in God, but this is hard.  Very hard.  Please pray for peace to cover her and for us to be open to the BEST option for her in all of this.  There really are so many decisions to be made and it is very hard to even consider any of them unemotionally.  We know the Lord is here.  He has been here since day one and He is here now...but still we crave your prayers.

See you around...

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