Oh well. I did get a new computer. It's a laptop...VERY exciting. The first MODERN laptop that I've had since about 1995 or 1996 when I had one that ran Windows 95 and MS Office of the era and that was about it. I'll have to ask my dad but I think it had about a 250 MG hard drive...it COULD have been 500, but I'm pretty sure it was not a GB, because I REMEMBER my first 1 GB hard drive and it was on a desktop that I had at work at about that same time, 95-96...but they were expensive, so we didn't have them at home yet.
Let me say...THIS is better. I am not in love YET. I'm a little cynical to fall TOO hard for a shiny new case no matter HOW cool the computer...ESPECIALLY if the "cool" part includes a brand-new-to-me MICROSOFT operating system (this is usually BIG points off)...but I must say, being able to cart this one around is a definite plus...now I can curse Vista ALL OVER my house...at least until I figure it out. The older I get, the less involved with the day to day tech stuff I am...the more I realize the truth to the cliche "Can't teach an old dog new tricks"...it's not that you CAN'T teach them...it's that we old dogs just don't wanna learn 'em. Oh well, deed is done, better get off my XP high horse and see what this baby can do.
Ain't she pretty in the gloaming light of morning??? I really like the turtle...but Vista doesn't have the "Aquarium" screen saver...(sigh) the girls'll be sad.
Hey, maybe I'll have a better chance at blogging. Well here's hoping...
See ya around...
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