THERE! Now I feel much better.
I started writing this a few days ago...thinking that I needed a shot of cuteness to help with the stress level. What I actually needed was the time to remember. To cherish the adorable, vivacious, sarcastic, hilarious and wonderful little girl that Bear is.
For years, when I've been overwhelmed, I've written an "I love you because" list. This list comes into play whenever I'm frustrated in a relationship, ANY relationship. I sit down with a pad of paper and write down 5 things I like about the person. It usually starts with silly things, "I like your car," for instance. But, in time, when I can refocus on the things that I like/love in a person, the negative nonsense falls away and I'm left realizing we ALL have our warts, but they don't define us.
So here it is, my "I Love you Because" Ode to Bear. The tireless, energetic, precocious, sparkling JOY of my life. The pictures I've taken over the years only reflect who she is. I'm thankful that I've been right here, looking not at her reflection, but at the real her, with all her many facets. And I'm thankful to the Lord that I get to be the mother who ushers her through THIS and many other difficult times in her life. I pray that I always remember that I'm simply here to round off her edges, never to change her brilliance.
Besides, if I'm ever in a less philosophic mood, this would be a great marketing tool to send to those gypsies!
See ya around...
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