Which means, per my babblefish translation..."Do you see the hat on my head? It is a BELL."
Chicken-the-bird has found her bell...she thinks it makes a fine hat...she even sleeps with it that way. Bubba and I think it makes her look a little German. If only she could speak, we would teach her the title of this post...but sadly, all she can do is whistle. I need to come up with a German song to teach her. Oh, my cousins residing it GERMANY??? Any suggestions?

On to other news...the littler girls are having a pretty good time with their preschool and kindergarten crafts...we'll have to make a few more of these because they are a hit...the one on the left is ROSE and the other is GEORGE. OH, the adventures that Rose and George have had. I must say that they've held up admirably over the last 5 days. Rose is a touched squished and you have to MAKE her close her mouth and George is good as new after the arm gluing incident. I found the craft (actually this and a ton more) at
DLTK ... this is just one of the crafts on the "B" page. Fun FUN!!
We also had some excitement. As we were gardening we found this...
Here is a still shot...

It is a wasp of some sort. We captured it. Actually it was easier than it would seem to catch a wasp...but because it was on the ground and pretty intent on that hole, we just upended a jar over it. After the...uh...euthanization...every kid on the block got to see it under the microscope...I'll have to get a picture and show you it's eyes and it's stinger...amazing.
And finally, the progress on my two rooms isn't NEARLY as much as I'd like...but there has been some.
Here is the schoolroom...the books in the smaller shelf on the left have all been inventoried...the stuff on the right, and floor are still waiting to be inventoried. I did get most of the stuff out of my kitchen. The pink tabs are simply row and column references so I can put it into my inventory spread sheet.
My cousin, Oddy, (Mr Dinosaur's wife see
October 2007 on my other blog) is an organization guru along the lines of those people on Clean Sweep...oh how I wish she didn't live so far away. She just sent me pictures of a project in my uncle's house...and it made me a little jealous that they have that brain residing so close. Miss you, Odd.

And here is the playroom. The baskets STILL are not in. Actually, to be truthful, the inventory on line said that they were in for ONE day, but I couldn't GO that day, so I missed out. About that time I said, "FINE, FORGET IT" and went and picked up cardboard banker's boxes. They aren't permanent but at the very least we are making a touch of headway. I need to do most of it when the kids aren't looking though, because you would not believe how important odd little MacDonald's toys really ARE to the 5yo...especially if she can't remember getting them at MacDonald's. There is much more drama in the sorting than I expected.

We also have a TON of soccer pictures but you know how soccer is, a BUNCH of kids in one shot. And I don't have permission from all those kid's parents to post them. I'd rather be safe than sorry with other people's children. But, just so you know, Bubba, Beanie and Bear are having a BLAST...how's that for alliteration. Bubba is coaching, Beanie is "helping" and Bear is playing. AND Bear scored the first
5 goals of the season in our game on Saturday. She just loves it. You should see her grin as she runs in the masses...it makes me so happy.
(There I think I fixed the formatting...picasa has the ability to link to your album, which it already sort of does, all you have to do is click the picture...but the added link shows up at the bottom, skewing the formatting of everything else. Turn off the link and you can do more with the formatting. I learn sumpin' new everyday. HAZAAR!!)See ya around...