For those of you NOT doing TOG, the curriculum has list upon list to check off already IN it. So I don't want you to think this is a failing of Tapestry itself. It's just me.
Those that know me, know that I'm something of a recovering clutter bug. I tend to strew things about me. I read, a few years ago, that this was a very common personality type and that it was not due to laziness, but more to the visual learning style. Apparently some people need to be able to SEE their stuff to find it.
There are SEVERAL major cracks in that theory for me. The first being that while I do tend to strew stuff around while I'm in the midst of a project and that helps me find stuff...I have always had a hard time putting stuff back, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to find stuff LATER. Plus, in all other things I'm pretty kinesthetic and have to TOUCH things to learn them. Still I AM a Reader (with a capital "R") and get a lot from that medium, but I don't remember much from T.V. so I'm not sure how that falls on the visual spectrum...Bubba is visual and he can remember all kinds of stuff from T.V... Beanie is visual and as long as I don't MOVE my stuff, if she has seen the pile she can find stuff in it. All that said, if this is a valid reason for me to be completely flighty, I'll take it and use it to my advantage wherever possible.
WHAT is my point? Oh, yeah. Those check lists don't help me most of the time because they are tucked away NEATLY inside my big binder, so I forget to check them off. The board fixed all that. It was an ever present reminder of what I still wanted to accomplish. Excellent teaching tool, white boards...who knew? (Hush up, every one of you!)
So here is the white board all checked off...a couple got crossed out because, while we did go over them, week 10 does a better job, so they'll be there again...
And here is Beanie, standing in front of the (nasty-new-laminated-glarey) map where she found and marked the 59 items that were on the board. Note the Yangtze River...Note that the (nasty-new-laminated-glarey) map does not have this MAJOR landmark on it, anywhere that I can *I* drew it after both Bean and I looked for what seemed like FOREVER. Note, I am not a cartographer, nor do I play one on television...I was merely a crabby mom with a dry erase, NO, it's probably not accurate...
Oh, one other thing. This picture is to the Grandmother of my children...
Oh Mommy-Dear...."QUACK"
See ya around...
1 comment:
"Apparently some people need to be able to SEE their stuff to find it."
Ah Ha! Thtat makes me feel better, anyway! =P
So you're not fond of the "nasty-new-laminated-glarey" map I take it? ROFL!
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