This post is going to all the mommas out there that have a fussy writer.
Bean was a miracle child. She could write her name when she was two and a half. She had a harder time reading...but writing she had down cold.
Bear is a miracle child in many MANY ways...but writing is not one of them. Well, maybe she decide. She doesn't LIKE handwriting. As a matter of fact while TEACHING her to write I've discovered that the child CAN NOT draw a counter-clockwise circle to save her life. (to those of you not teaching children, this is a vital skill for all ENGLISH writing...try to write a lower case a, c, d, g, o, q in either manuscript or cursive and you'll see what I mean.)
And she squawks about it..."I HATE handwriting!" "I don't WANT to do handwriting"...blah blah blah.
Check this out...this child can write...obviously when SHE wants to, but still, the child can write and I certainly didn't teach her this...All I do is spell stuff "one at a time"...
I've actually known this about her for about a year. I never really taught her numbers either I just wrote them on the top of the page for her...and all of a sudden she could write them...
This is August 2007...
This is September 2007...
This is June 2008...
And November 2008...
So even a child who can not write in lessons, might actually be able to write. Even a child who fights every opportunity in a certain subject, might still go on to learn said subject in spite of herself. Bottom line...even though I have a hard time TEACHING her to write...she's learning to write. Praise the Lord.
See ya around...
1 comment:
LOL! I have one of those.... I always end up thinking that I'm doing something wrong. So I'll try a different approach. By the time I'm to the stage of being ready to pull out my hair - BINGO! A concept has been learned. =P
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