Friday, May 8, 2009

Back from Scottish Rite...(May 2009) I am back again.

Our trip was decidedly pleasant. The check up portion was pretty good. We had a new "resident" "fellow" or whatever they are called. He was so cute with Bean. He had her at "Hello, you must be the famous Sarah Hamlin I've heard so much about"...and just kept her charmed from there. It helped that he was young and pretty...she notices that stuff, now that she's 10.

Anyway...the X-Rays were just ugly. I ordered them and will post them when they come (here are the last ones I posted)...but suffice to say...the left has a little regrowth but not much...and the right is definately breaking down. On the upside, her left hip has even better mobility than a matter of fact it looks almost normal to me (I caught her in criss-cross applesauce position with that leg yesterday...woo hoo), but what do I know???

The right. What to say about the right hip? Young Mr. Doctor probably said it best when he said, "That's an angry hip." It's very inflamed. She still has very limited mobility in it. As they were trying to rotate it they got very little rotation in anything but her whole pelvis because that hip is basically locked for the time being. But for now we are still just waiting it out. Our main doctor thinks this will calm down just like the other hip did as the break down progresses. He did say that at least at this moment the right hip seems to be maintaining it's height, so we are hoping that it won't break down as far as the left, but it still is too soon to tell.

As to how she is. Overall she's pretty good. We need the wheelchair on long distances...things like any store or the library...and she uses her walker for a while first thing in the morning...but she's starting to recognize when she'll be able to "walk it out" and when we've got a problem and need to get the ice going. That has been a huge blessing, because it's helped her to realize it isn't ALWAYS going to be terrible pain.

After the business portion of our trip, we got to go up to the children's ward and visit everyone. That was so much fun. All the kids and nurses and physical therapists called her by name and stuck around us the whole time we were there. We got to check up on their status and play a few games and go outside and toss tennis balls up against velcro "gloves"...even WITH the velcro gloves we legged folk got a run for our money chasing down the overthrows. It was fun and very funny and heartwarming. Beanie said that she wished she could come and play everyday...and in some ways I wish she could, too.

On to other news...she turned 10 on Wednesday. She is SO excited to be double digits, dontcha know. Bear says, "I won't be excited until you are TRIPLE digits!" Ain't sisters grand???

From 04.2009.Pics

See ya around...

P.S. To those of you who have NO idea what is going on here, please click Legg-Perthes or the same category on the learn plenty...

1 comment:

CrossView said...

Happy 10th Birthday! =D

I'm so glad she had a nice and attractive young doctor! Whatever it takes to get that beautiful msile on her face....