Because of that, I've not been terribly "chatty"...don't really wanna talk (makes me cough), don't wanna blog, don't wanna post stuff on Facebook...don-wanna, don-wanna, don-wanna.
But something happened to me yesterday that is the epitome of me and my clumsiness that made me laugh RIGHT out loud...and I know that you, dear reader, need a laugh from time to time...
We got a new vacuum yesterday. A fancy schmancy one. See we've bought three vacuums in the last three years...the cheaper ones...and they all died, tragic, stinky, dusty deaths. So we "invested" in a new Dyson. It REALLY sucks...and I do mean that in the best possible way. Well...I mean...look...this is a smallish rug that I vacuumed last week with my dying vacuum...check out what that Dyson picked up...A-MAZE-ING! (Oh, and GA-ROSS!!)
I was thrilled. I couldn't wait to vacuum EVERYTHING. I ran to the phone to tell Bubba how much this new vacuum sucked (yeah, I know, I'm still something of a sixth grader)...and decided that I would empty the canister before I moved on.
So I walked over to the trash can and pushed the button on the canister that must certainly unlock the LID of the canister so that I could tip it over and dump it INTO said trash can (just like my LAST THREE vacuums)...and imagine my surprise when the entire thing dumped onto the floor because there was no LID...the bottom flopped down...
To say I got the giggles would be a huge understatement. I laughed and laughed and laughed...and coughed and coughed and coughed...and then giggle snorted my way through putting the vacuum back together and sucking all that stuff BACK up. The idea that I would suck up all that stuff just to walk over and dump it onto the's making me laugh even now.
See why I'm feeling a little like Lucy, without the cute clothes?
See ya around...
Nice to see that some things NEVER change.....
Thank you! I honestly thought I was the only one who would do something like that. ;o)
And I so have vacuum envy. We were looking at Dyson's tonight. I whined. I NEED a Dyson.
And I wonder if the laughing and coughing helped clear everything out? Laughter is so therapeutic in other ways...
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