My buddy Crossview has a
spider "issue" and I saw a pretty spider out in the fields last I thought I'd upload a picture or two for her perusal...and yours too, I suppose...
Here you go...pretty, huh?

Doesn't it look a little like yours? But more colorful.
See ya around...
It's definitely BIG! LOL! Believe it or not, I did a post on those, too.
They are pretty! It's those webs that fascinate me the most....
Yours is a:
I think my latest is a wolf spider. But we don't ususally see them so big. I'm still researching it.
And that shot of your girls near that spider? *shudders* Looks like it's gonna walk right onto her hand...
They are actually a couple of feet behind it but it's web stretched between the rose had we not been watching, we could have walked through the web. But the zoom does bring it right to the forefront and makes them look freakishly close. ;)
Yeah, I'm not convinced that it's a wof spider. The ones we see are small and sturdy. Of course, we see them with a kajillion babies all over them, which is kind of a giveaway. LOL! I'm still researching this latest. It's HUGE! Well, it was. It's gone now. And I have no idea where it went. And that leads to more creepy shudders for me...
And that zoon effect of yours is amazing! Did it creep out your girls to see it? LOL!
My girls? No, they think that stuff is cool for the most part. They DO NOT like wasps that are free to fly and dive bomb...but other than that, they like checking them out.
Hey Stack!
super cool shots! so beautiful and yet still whim whammy. oh yes, please don't walk through the rose bushes.
Besides... it looks like he eats pretty well... what ELSE is out there?
Well Chef know what they say, "EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas!" ;)
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