Monday, August 9, 2010

Letters to Grandma - First Day of School...

My mom has gone to visit my brothers in Florida for a couple of weeks. She left last Thursday and will be back next Monday night.

We were originally supposed to start school LAST Monday, but we had some issues with shipping and organization on my part, so I just pushed it off without thinking that Grandma would miss some of the fun of the first couple of days.

With that in mind, I kept my camera handy today. As things happened I had the girls tape a "letter to Grandma"...I won't pretend that ANY of these are uncoached...TOTALLY some cases FULLY rehearsed. Strangely, it was Bear that was able to do her little schpeil in a single take. Anyone who knows Miss Bear knows that she is joyfully's one of her the fact that it took her more sober sisters SO much longer to get "it" said, is kind of funny...and altogether charming.

I'll give you the run time of each of these in case you want to opt out...but they are pretty cute...

Beanie to Grandma :29

Bear to Grandma :09

Monkey Face to Grandma :11

This is Monkey Face's plan for the day...or the school year...she said this one on her own in varying ways and then I grabbed the camera...

Monkey Face :23

And then here is just some'll probably end up in our year end video...but Grandma would have thought it was sweet if she was here. This is Bear reading her passage from our morning Bible Study...Gen 1:14-19...Bean is there "JUST in case"...I'm not sure "in case of" what?...but that's what sisters are for...

Bear 1:31

And this is the actual moment that Monkey Face got her pencils. We have used Prismacolor pencils for a VERY long time and I truly love them. Because of that, when Bean started school I was looking for a reason NOT to share mine with her anymore. That bit of selfishness created a tradition. In our house, upon arrival into Kindergarten, a child is given her very own box of 48 Prismacolor pencils. Daddy searches high and low to find them at a reasonable price and it's a very exciting rite of passage.

Sorry the angle of the shot is off...I was trying to be unobtrusive with the camera because she REALLY likes to play to it if she knows it's on...oh well, you still get the excitement...

Monkey Face 1:06

Well Grandma, we hope this finds you well (I know you are, I just talked to you last night)...and that it brings you a little added joy.

As for the rest of you?

See ya around...

1 comment:

CrossView said...

I LOVE the videos! Thanks for sharing them!

The last one made ME want some new pencils! LOL!