With the cooler weather comes the WANT to be outside in all of us...it's kind of like "spring fever", only for fall...or nearly fall.
So we've been outside a lot...hooping...watching the clouds...and checking out the wildlife.
We have watched the wonderful aerial displays of dragon flies every night. And there haven't been less than a dozen at any given time...and one time I counted twenty-three. It was a little nerve-wracking right at first because they are HUGE and get really close to us...I think that we must scare up bug life that they like to eat because they come out every time we are out there.
And then there are the grasshoppers. They are EVERYWHERE! We have this little bug pop-up tent that the girls keep filling up with grass hoppers and then letting them go, and then filling it up again.
So catching a grasshopper isn't really that big of a deal in our yard...but check this out...
Not impressed? How 'bout this one...
That is my kid's toe. Surely just the whim-wam factor has to impress a little. I mean, I'm not afraid of grasshoppers...I've even caught them...but to let it crawl around on me...(shudder)...no THANK you!
So she found this beast today...and they made best friends. Did I ever mention that Beanie's middle name should have been Doolittle?
But I did have a little bit of vindication...
After a few minutes of this...
and then THIS...
She also got the whim-wams...and had to find a new place for her friend...a new place that was not TOUCHING her. WOO HOO! I'm not the only "girl"...I hate being the only "girl".
Maybe it's only a grasshopper...but it sure puts a new pin in "plague of locusts" for me.
See ya around...
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