Please notice my children sitting like little lumps on the couch (they are watching Scooby Doo, if you must know). Also notice that they are ALL wearing glasses. The third thing you will not remember if you've ever met my children or followed my blog is my children ever wearing glasses other than in a sunglasses fashion sense.
Today was the last day of our first quarter break and we set out to the mall to accessorize with whatever monies they had left from their piggy banks. On the top of each of their list was a pair of fashion glasses.
Why there is a fashion that includes real LOOKING glasses eludes me. As a long time glasses's just not a fashion I can wrap my head around. I mean there are really cute little fake glasses out there...but I spent my childhood being called four-eyes and fearless fly (thanks Dad) and having people ask why the doctor didn't at least scrape the word "coke" off the bottle before he put my lens in the frames...who CHASES that kind of joy? ALL THREE OF MY CHILDREN.
So we were on our way to the mall this morning so that they could BUY some fake fashion glasses...But we had a slight hiccup. Something happened other than what we planned.
I have suspected for a while that Miss Bean might need glasses. I've worn glasses since I was 7...that's 32 years to hone my "I-think-you-need-glasses-radar"...but she was a weird case. She doesn't squint or rub her eyes excessively like others I've seen...she just really REALLY doesn't like to read. She does it fine. But she has some weird reversals and stuff. About 3 weeks ago, I knew we had to at least CHECK. She was having a really hard time with comprehension in her new science book unless she was reading aloud...
So I started researching insurance stuff, cuz of course it changes year to year. But I had made NO plans as of this morning. This morning we were going to the MALL not the eye doctor.
But guess what, there was an eye doctor in the mall that I just happened to know was on my new insurance...and it was one of those can-have-your-lenses-in-about-an-hour we ended up with not one but TWO eye appointments. Both Bean and Bear got their eyes checked. And sure enough...Beanie needed a prescription.
The eye doctor also thought she saw something wrong with Beanie's eye so she dilated them. So pretty...sorry the lighting is so bad...I tried it a couple different ways and just couldn't get it to show HOW big her pupils were.
Turns out she also has a cataract in there. They are unsure exactly WHY it's there...possibly it's been there since birth or some injury (although I can't think of one) we'll be watching it but it doesn't affect her vision. If you feel like praying that it's nothing, I'd appreciate it.
Her prescription is really just for reading and it's not corrected as far as it will be, but the Doctor thought it would be better to work her up to her full prescription over six months or so.
The silver lining is, of course, Beanie didn't have to spend her money on fake fashion glasses...she got the REAL ones that mommy took care of...and they are still pretty cute...and they are green which is a huge plus for my girl right now. They are WAY cuter than my coke bottle ones of the late 1970's and early 1980's even IF my glasses had a cute kitty cat sticker...and WAY lighter...those coke bottle bottoms are HEAVY.
Her sisters still bought the fake ones. I think getting glasses might just be easier when your sisters get some too...besides she gets to say things like, "Mine are REAL and yours are just for dress up." which is ever so endearing...
So here she is with her new beautiful glasses...huh, I guess you CAN see the dinner plate sized pupils in this shot...
She's pretty happy about them and can't wait to tell her friends...I'm pretty happy to have it done, even though it made for a really long day.
Hazaar for our newest Fearless Fly...
See ya around...
yes, ITA that the *fashion* glasses trend has me perplexed! lol THey all sue do look cute though! ;-)
Ok, I'm with you. I've had to have glasses/contacts since I was in 2nd grade. And I've always thought it was just a pain. Now it's a fashion trend? Sheesh! I have got to get out the woods more...
But how cool that one can brag that "mine are real"??!! Definitely takes away the stigma.
But yours all look adorable with them - real or fashion-only!
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