Now, it's possible this concept is not as exciting to you as it is to me, dear reader...but seriously WHAT could be better? Especially as regards PIE? Let me convince you...Pie in a jar means more kinds of PIE, without having to try to STORE those pies. Pie in a jar means individual servings that I don't have to cut and try to put neatly on a plate. But even MORE exciting, pie in a jar means that the crust to pie filling ratio is greatly increased and that the eater of said pie gets the crispy edge bits ALL.the.way.around. Go ahead, take a minute and let THAT fantasy sink in.
From a strictly custodial standpoint...Pie in a Jar means that the baker of the pies can prepare the pies WELL in advance...slap a lid on them and freeze them in their little buckets of joy...and then pull them out days later (maybe WEEKS later)...take the lids off...fling 'em on a cookie sheet covered in tin foil...and bake muss no fuss.
As is my custom, I found this idea...posted it on Facebook...and then promptly forgot about it for awhile. So when I remembered it the other day, just in time to make some for a gathering that's happening Friday, I decided it must be fate. I started rummaging through my supplies and found that I had enough of everything to make about 6 of these little I gathered the girls and I gathered the stuff an then...
We had a defugalty when one of our 6 jars went skidding across the counter and onto the floor. No matter...I run on munchkin power and they had it fixed...well, cleaned a jiffy...
So onward and forward...first the pie crust must be smooshed (technical term - write that one down) into the jar and the edges prettied up. (This was gonna be a pecan pie, so no upper crust, in an upper crust situation the edges would need to be crimped...this was really just putting a pattern on the upper part so that it would crisp to perfection).
And then the pie guts poured in...
And then BAKED.
No, really look at this beautiful creation...
SO good.
Now, things I will do differently on the next batch...well, I'll follow this tutorial at Our Best Bites for getting the dough INTO the jars...we did this batch by cutting circles in the dough and stuffing it all in there...I think they have a better idea...
I also used a different pecan pie recipe. Bear has 'issues' with corn syrup, so I made this with all honey...and it was good, make no mistake...but a little too cloying in an already REALLY rich dessert.
If you google "pie in a jar", and I really think that you should, you'll find that I didn't fill mine as full as many folks are doing...I did that on purpose. The best part of this for me is the transport option, so I wanted to be able to put the lid on them, both before and after baking because I don't want to have to figure out how to transport glass cupcakes (essentially)...I want them to stay jars. I mean really, won't these be great on the Girly Trip? But if you like the poofy crunchy ones that you don't have to cart around, by all means, fill it to overflowing.
Now...I have to go. I have a bunch of these to make...because, well, we HAD to eat all of those for quality assurance purposes. You understand.
See ya around...
Those would make a LOVELY gift for someone that you've known since you were 9.....just a thought. You have my address, right? ;) xo
@ know I DO have your address...haven't used it much recently though...LOL.
@Paula...well, the CORRECT number of quality assurance is the number of your family x2...give each of the kids half of one and then split the rest with the hubster...or make them during the day when he's not home and just save him ONE...he'll never know about the rest...and the quality will be REALLY assured. LOL
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