No excuses...I must bow to my nature...some call it a muse...I'm just inspired in spurts and there is nothing for it but to write when I WANNA and NOT when I don't. Movin right along.
So, I don't know if anyone else noticed but this has been a CRAZY week, climate-wise. Seriously on Saturday and Sunday, we girls were out hooping in the very warm weather...short sleeves...Monkey-Face even had to change into shorts and sandals...she, apparently, has hot feet.
Monday we went to a friend's house and it was your standard February jacket/jeans weather...but we played outside...with bunnies...and horses (more on that in the next post)...
Now we KNEW it was going to get cold and we were going to have some "Wintry Mix" precipitation...which, at least since I've lived in Texas means some mixture of water and's always got ice in it...sometimes big ole hail...sometimes little crystally stuff...but ICE is involved. But I was not prepared for what we got.
It SOUNDED like being in a Sonic ice machine...(to those of you outside of an area that Sonic has stores...I'm sorry...and they have the best ice's teeny tiny little barrels of ice that are fabulous for chewing). When the storm rolled in it actually rattled and sounded like the house was being pummled with those itty bitty chunks...and then we could hear it sliiiiiide off the roof. Very interesting. And LOUD. I was up, pretty much the whole storm.
So I got up KNOWING that we were going to have piles of ice and frozen stuff all over...I mean, this is not my first rodeo, y'know?
I was wrong. What we actually had was an ice rink...a HUGE, impenetrable, thick, slippery ice rink.
AND it was sat at about 18 degrees most of the day and dipped to 12 degrees by my bedtime. (To those of you who live in Colorado, or Canada, or Wisconsin who are thinking, "18 Degrees is nuthin, ya big was -23 with a wind chill that made it feel like -207"...I have this to say...if you CHOSE to live in Colorado or Canada or bought your ticket, baby! I live in the SOUTH and the south has done me wrong this week. There.)
So what did that mean? Well, Bubba stayed home...he has a laptop...easy enough.
And the girls played...
Check out the frozen rings left by the hoops...very cool...
I think the most fascinating thing was that WE made no impact on that noticeable trace of where we went or fell (ehem)...
So that was Tuesday, right? Well Wednesday stayed REALLY cold...Bubba started getting a little stir crazy...SO...using salt and a pitch fork, he hacked his way to the concrete on his side of the driveway (tossing the extra chunks onto my side of the driveway...who says chivalry is dead?) and managed to get OUT and buy us Chinese food for lunch, for which I was thankful. And Thursday, he actually went to work.
But wait, there's more.
This morning, we woke up to this...
Yeah...easily 6 inches of snow by 8 am and prolly closer to 8 to 10 now, at 4 ish...on TOP of 2 inches of ice. Um...Bubba was grounded again.
But the girls played...
And I STEPPED in it...just for you, dear reader...I'm a giver...
But I can't say that I've had the best attitude about it. For some reason, just KNOWING that I can't go anywhere makes me REALLY want to. It's possible I need to work on contentment. I do find myself saying, "Ah...that's pretty"...but I have ZERO desire to play in it...brrrrr.
And the other irritating BROKE my little green house...that I put out not expecting REALLY freezing temperatures to last for days and days...
And I can't tell through the iced over plastic if anything survived cuz I'm afraid that unzipping it will REALLY break it...and release whatever magic heat might be in there so I'm forced to take pictures through the frost...
It LOOKS kinda green in there...of course so did my aloe plant that I accidentally left outside during a frost a couple years looked really green...until it melted...and then it sorta looked like an olive colored did not survive.
At this moment, it's warmer than it has been all week...a WHOPPING 26 degrees...I might even consider taking off my second pair of's THAT warm. And there is stuff dripping off of the roof that I can only assume is water...but I'm not really getting my hopes up.
See ya around...
1 comment:
LOL! That was just fun to read. Though I'm sorry for your weather, I'm glad we didn't have that! ;O)
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