Obviously, you can't start a new semester on the 2nd day of the year. There is far too much fun being had on the LAST day of the prior year to be worth much productivity on the first day of the year...and the second day is merely the START of the clean up from the holiday at the END of the year. Are you following me, dear reader?
So like all the rest of my society, we let the first 5 days of the year go by in a whirl of cleaning and visiting and, if I'm honest, laying about. It's vacation. This year we had the added excitement of some sickness, I'd say flu, but it seems everyone has had it worse than we have, so we'll just say, "The Crud" and leave it there. So the first 5 days also had the fun of a few people really needing the extra sleep that a full schedule simply does not allow.
Every new year of my homeschool career...save the last two (2012 - The-WE-ARE-getting-a-divorce-and-right-soon-Year and 2013-JUST-GOT-divorced-and-moved-and-have-to-settled-Year) where my emotions wouldn't allow it...I have used January to hunker down, get a new schedule and re-connect my household.
See, starting with my birthday in the beginning of November, we have a 2 month slide into vacation-mode (think Island-Mode without the waves) that lasts through the first week of January. I know that most of our friends have a similar slide but I think mine is worse. See, having a birthday at the beginning of the least productive time of the year, adds an extra three weeks of less productivity, because, "But it's your BIRTHDAY" happens a lot...and I generally let it. Just keepin it real.
So today we start our new schedule. This is the MOST HATED DAY OF THE YEAR. See, generally my kids are up and reading or journaling or sometimes even playing piano, even on vacation, by 7:30. But on SCHEDULE...it's up at 7:15. This is a heinous thing to them...and I cause it, ergo, I am evil. The fact that it gives me joy makes it exponentially worse.
We had "the talk" yesterday. You know the one, "Everyone needs to be up and doing what SHE is supposed to do in the morning." There was a motion to scrap the whole idea, which was then seconded and they hoped carried by their third member (that easy-going curly one)...thank heavens I hold veto power...or they'd stay the unwashed masses until it was time to go to church.
We spent yesterday restarting the wheels that came to a complete halt a little over 2 weeks ago at the beginning of the Christmas break...finding all the school books that got squirreled away...organizing the library list...getting math back on track...overviewing grammar and writing...overviewing our new unit in history (Industrial Revolution ... I'm excited)...and sorting out the plan for the new sciences that we got over Christmas. Today, everybody KNOWS THE PLAN.
It will STILL take a few days to implement it...but they KNOW it. And it is POSTED on the wall. (Oh yeah, I AM that mom). So tally ho!! I hope you all have a GREAT day, I know I will.
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See ya later 2013... |
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