Bear the child...the mighty...the photographer in these self and mommy portraits (6 words, "Get that old hag some makeup')...the artist formerly known as one of the ones with a full set of teeth...
The same Bear who we chased last week with shouts of "EWWW!!" "GA-ROSS!!" "You are giving me the creeps!" The one who insisted on showing us the convolutions of her loose tooth. And who, even when not actively trying to make her sisters squeal, still caused many a shudder because she definately looked a little odd...
This Bear has OFFICIALLY lost her very first tooth...She has crossed the threshold into that "I lost a tooth" status that seems so important to this set, where there are truely the haves and have nots.
Please forgive the crazed was after bath, on the way to bed. Daddy had "helped" her brush her teeth and between the slight pain of"brushing" and the sheer excitement of the whole tooth fairy aspect, I was lucky to catch her on film (or digital media in this case).
And here is the tooth, preparing to be placed in the VERY official tooth cup. That cup was brought into our family from a local fast food restaurant during the first run of the LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring movie. Beanie found it WAY in the back of one of our cabinets when she lost her first tooth and it's been the official cup EVER since.
I will not go into the details of our tooth losing traditions. I know not who is reading or what they would think. But I will say, this is one of my current favorite's nothing but funny to see how excited they are to get rid of those pearly whites.
See ya around...
Now that IS a big deal! And she looks adorable!
Hiya Stack! Cute pics!
We recently went through this but it was the "two front teeth". Holly went around all night holding her top lip out and talking funny because it "feels weird". :)
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