After wrestling the can from the children once or twice...I knew that it was made of something SIMILAR to the oooobleck that we made a couple of years ago.
So, being that there was only one GOOD can left...and being an extremely fair mother...I decided that nothing must do but that we see if we could make some more.
Here is that tutorial for you...
First things first, you need
1/4 cup white glue
1/4 cup water
Food coloring (optional)
1 TBL Borax (you'll find it in the laundry section in the grocery store...and one box'll last you FOREVER)
1 cup of water (yes, I've listed water twice.
Okay...first thing...get yourself two bowls...
In the first bowl mix 1/4 cup of white glue and 1/4 cup of water together...
Now mix the food coloring into the glue mixture...
Now in the other bowl mix 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of Borax...once this is mixed get out a 1/2 cup measure or something that your kid can pour easily and get ready. You want to pour a little Borax mixture into the glue mixture and massage it around until you have slime...but you don't need to use the entire 1/2 cup for Flarp. Flarp is less brittle than the standard slime...
This is what it will look like as you add it...and if you are taking pictures of the fun you really will need another hand...(perhaps my brother's friend Hans could help me next time.)
If you use too much of the Borax mixture, it will still be slime...but it'll break under too much pressure...and Flarp is all about's total purpose is the rude noise it produces...and the giggles that overtake the children in the aftermath.
Below, my lovely assistant with the slime that got too much Borax...looks like Flarp, but it breaks...
After you mix it all up...get it out of the excess Borax mixture and hand it to some lovely assistant or other...she will knead it...and shortly it will be Flarp with which she will proceed to pose...
And then do it again with a different color...knock yourself it until you run out of glue, cuz you are NOT going to run out of Borax anytime soon...
Have fun...
See ya around...
We've had stuff LIKE that. And it was such disgusting fun. LOL! But we've never made it. That'll be next....
My girls will LOVE you!
Thanks for the recipe!
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