May 21, 2010
Since hearing about the person who posted on facebook that he/she was going on vacation and came home to find the house robbed, I've been a little leery of posting all of our comings and goings as they are happening. It turned out, based on security camera footage, that the perpetrator was someone that he/she had known 20 years prior who had tracked down his/her house when they were certain it was empty. Not that I believe any of my friends/associates/family members are criminals...but I figure 'discretion is the better part of valor' or something like that...
So I will be posting these when I get back or when Dave gets back...he's meeting us along the way...note the dates in the text of the blog...I think I'm also gonna post them one at a time...that way, I can write while we travel but I'll be ahead enough to edit just a little, daily...that seems better. Besides then you'll get to feel the excitement AS it unfolds...albeit a few days late...I'm all about you, dear reader. we're going on another Girly Trip!!! It seems a little anti-climactic being that we JUST went on a GT in August...but that one was LATE because Miss Bean was in the Hospital during our normal GT time...and then we JUST saw our friends in February when they came to watch the girls so Bubba and I could go to my Dad's funeral...and here we are again...GOING!
The thing is, THIS is the traditional time to be going...and it's been loosely planned for 8 or 9 months...AND Bubba is coming WITH us this year. He never gets to go...AND we're going to check out Colorado Springs...very exciting...never been there before. AND Grandma is coming with us!
So...needless to say...WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!
We are planning on leaving May 24th...
See you around...
P.S. You see the ease I told you that? The exact date...the exact place...I'm digging the freedom of just not worrying about it...
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