May 24th 7 am... Monkey Face ended up throwing up twice more...once at 2:30 am...I'm tired.
We've decided, for the moment to reschedule departure time to 7am, Thursday, May 27th. I'm bummed. Not that I want to take a barfing, feverish child on the road AT ALL. But we are all packed. I have ZERO plans made for school this week. The girls were looking forward to VACATION!
Still, on the other hand...we've all been exposed again...and the REALITY of this exposure could bite me two days from now, in a hotel in Kansas or out in the middle of I-70 with little access to clean facilities. I'm not sure I've ever shared with you, dear reader, the ultimate JOY of having someone throwing up IN the car as you speed farther and farther from safe haven. Let me just say this...always carry towels and wipes and an old quilt...AND...if possible...AVOID IT.
So we sit. Nothing to do. Waiting to get sick.
We ended up watching movies and lounging on the couch. It was relaxing and a little guilt making...but it's not like the house is NOT stocked. We have so much stuff in the fridge at this point, I really don't need to cook anything.
I've kind of decided to enter into 'vacation mode', and squelch the guilt of not having a plan. Ask me in a couple days, how it's workin...
See ya around...
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