Actual Date was May 6, 2010
I wanted to write a proper post but have found that the volume of my activities has hampered my ability to sit and write...this is a really good means that the ssssssppr-summer season has started here. But it's kinda of less than optimal, too (can't quite get myself to "bad") because I USE this blog for things toward the end of the year...if I don't write...I am a less joyful person in the end. So it's kinda like being behind on a year long term paper...all the time.
Here's the biggest problem that I have...IF I don't blog for over a has happened here...where do I start?
I think for this moment because I'm inundated with pictures, I'll start a week or so ago, when Grandma got here...
Okay, Grandma got here last Tuesday afternoon (3/27)...WOOO HOOO! Oh wait...I have to go back further...
See...If you recall, in a recent post (3/20/10) I was sick...and had been sick since February. Well it turned out that I had whooping I coughed and coughed until sometime in the middle of April (so February to April, fun stuff)...well the week before Easter, I was holding Monkey-face and had a coughing fit, as I had been doing since the beginning, but this time something didn't feel right in my side. It turned out that I had cracked a rib (or at least that was my doctor's best guess being that the pneumonia X-Ray didn't show the ribs. Because, even if I HAD cracked a rib, there wasn't much to be done...we decided to forgo the cost of a separate X-Ray so I never got 'surer' than best guess.). Since Easter I've been nursing this rib...which is a story in itself...I will tell you that I actually feel MUCH better this week...but was still having a hard time last week...
Okay...where were we? Oh yes, Grandma arrived last Tuesday evening. I knew, before she came, that once she arrived all real productivity on SCHOOL would stop for a few I prepped lesson plans accordingly and just planned incidentals and then to play the rest of the first week with her. So she GOT here on Tuesday...silly-broken-rib-me picked up a table (without thinking about it) and put myself pretty much out of commission for the rest of the night.."Welcome Grandma, now I must lay down!"
Thankfully I woke up on Wednesday feeling O.K.! So off we gallivanted to the local big city Farmer's Market. I didn't manage to get any pictures and I'm sad about it because there were some very beautiful things there...and we had a lovely lunch at the Mexican Restaurant in the middle of the market that used all fresh produce from the market...and mmmmmmm...brought home a mess of tomatoes (only to find a mess of tomatoes all ready AT home...ain't that always the way?) and other wonderful produce that we plowed through in record time.
On to Thursday. Thursday dawned bright and beautiful and I'd been wanting to go to a local park to play in the wild flowers. We did it a couple of years ago with SP and Camera King and had such a great time...and it just so happened that I'd SEEN Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrush on a recent trip into the country side so I KNEW there would be wild flowers if only I could get myself out there.
Check it out...
Pretty, huh?
And then there was this bit. Grandma and I were sitting at a picnic table across a tiny street from this big ole field of flowers which the girls were exploring. I stood up to call them and they shouted "Coming" and started running toward me. As they were running Bear fell down and disappeared completely. Grandma turned to me and said, "Whoops, lost one!" which got me gigglin. So I made them recreate the situation for my camera. Now, Beanie was pretty sore that day so her "fall" is more comedic than true to life...(I love the squeaks.)
Now...THIS is why I hate pulling back old posts...I'm sitting here trying to remember exactly what we DID on pictures to remind me...and I'm finishing this so much later that my mind has released the information...sad.just sad.
So I guess that must suffice for now...
See ya around...
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