Now I suppose I could just post the pictures on facebook...instant gratification and all that...but believe it or not I know people who AREN'T on facebook...can you imagine?
So anyway...here it is...a totally random post...just to get rid of them...
Grandma is here and we went a-scampering through the woods and fields of wildflowers sometime the week before last...it was just beautiful...
The girls especially liked the flowers...
Look...it's been so long Bear's finally got her teeth back...
So then LAST week was the craziest week we've seen in a while...we had 3 soccer practices, 2 swimming practices, 2 birthdays (one an extravaganza), 1 funeral and 1 homeschool fair...phew...
These pictures are from Bean's birthday...she's now 11...we took the day off of school and went to the Botanical Gardens and walked and walked and walked!!!
Monkey Face was a little disturbed by the dead thing with "holes in it's eyes"...but Bear was intrigued...
A couple of cutie pie shots for your perusal...
these are just from around the gardens...can I just say, Cindy Brady had NOTHING on my Bear's banana curls...
And the final, FAVORITE, moments were spent scampering in the "Frog Fountain"...I'd like to say, those creatures were most obviously TOADS, but I don't want to be too much of an amphibian geek...
Look how cute...they are PRETENDING that they are going to stay dry...
still dry-ish...but notice Beanie's pants...by the second shot they are wet quite a way above her knee...
Well...hmmmm...this is kinda like my mom telling me that I could "wade" and finding me neck-deep...and me explaining that technically I was STILL wading as my feet were still on the bottom...(I'm not sure if it ACTUALLY happened to me or to my brother...but the sentiment is the same...). Still once the breach was crossed...there was no holding ANY of them back...
Bear LOVED this toad...errr...frog...and spent most of the time on his toes...I think it might have been because he was made out of metal and was warm...there's an interesting irony...being WARMED by an amphibiam...
They had a really good time. And on the tram ride back to the front, our driver sang 3 different songs to Beanie...she was a little embarrassed and a little giddy...but she just couldn't stop grinning. I think it was a pretty happy birthday after all...
So for now, I'll pretend that's all I have to say, cuz it's all I have time for...stay tuned...I haven't emptied the camera in 4 days...
See ya around...
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