Now I should say, I’m writing this June 23rd…this is one of those posts that just didn’t get done on the trip…mostly because there really WASN’T that much down time. But as I look over the pictures, I see that there were some pretty great moments in the down time…
First things first, earlier this year Camera King and S.P. became proud foster parents of 6 laying hens…that’s right, CHICKENS. Let’s see if I can remember their names, (lucky for me this isn’t a live chat, I can ALWAYS ask the girls) Wendy, Fiona, Tootsie, Snow White, um…hmmmm…and two more….Belle and…Jasmine (thank goodness for little girls).
Those poor chickens were chased, and picked up and put down and chased some more. At every cluck and bawk the hen house was checked for another egg. Now, it is true that the chickens definitely put up quite a raucous clucking alarm when any egg has been layed…but I mean EVERY noise sent, especially the middlest girls, scrambling. Oh, and scratch…the chickens only got offered “a little” scratch everyday…but a little meant a few handfuls by each girl (6 wanted to feed them) several times a day…It was quite a life for a chicken…
Check out that last picture with Bear...she kept carrying them that way...with their legs sticking out behind them. We, adults, sang "SUPER CHICKEN" several times...and it gives me joy even now...Bear looks so happy and unaware that she's stuck it's feet out so weird...
Then there was the fencing with Light Sabers. Sorry, I realize that that’s an odd sentence…but while, if they’d been swords I could have said, “there was the sword play”…they were Light Sabers…you can’t say “Light Saber play”…and “Light Saber fighting” just sounds geeky…suffice to say…they had Light Sabers and at least two of them knew what to do with them. (No chickens were harmed in the shooting of these pictures.)
There were several games of crack the whip…
And variations on ring around the rosey…
And at least one performance that the camera missed. I guess down time should probably be renamed unstructured time. Everybody knows that some of the most fun moments are those unstructured moments when you get the chance to just be…and chase chickens, if you want…
For myself, I cooked a little and read a little and took pictures of clouds. The clouds I could see from the back yard were just beautiful every.single.afternoon. S.P. says that it’s kind of a feature of Colorado…very cool…
See ya around…