I've got some good news and some bad news. Guess I'll go with the good news first. Monkey Face has BEAUTIFUL round hip bones. The little stink didn't limp even ONCE today. Whatever, I'll take it...Thank you, LORD...for a little bug with perfect femoral heads. (There's a thank you I'll bet you never thought you'd hear, huh?)
On to other news.
It has been confirmed. Beanie has Legg Perthes in BOTH legs now. The incident on Saturday was "symptomatic" and evidentally something that is pretty common in LCP patients (sorry LCP=Legg Calve Perthes, the other name).
Weird enough, we were diagnosed exactly 2 years ago Saturday with the first hip. Seems March 7 is a red-letter day in this journey for us.
Anyhoo...once again our lives will change. At this moment we are preparing to admit Beanie into Scottish Rite later this week for a few days of R&R. Well, they call it physical therapy and bedrest...but tomato, tomahto. I'll be joining her, so we are lining up our childcare, preparing lessons to take on the road, preparing meals for the ones who are staying home so that they don't get stuck with PB&J EVERY night. There is much to be done...
I still really don't know much at this point. I don't know how compromised the right hip is right now and as always we don't know how bad it is going to get. I don't know if the nerve pain that she experienced has caused any lasting damage...there are some weird personal things going on. I don't know EXACTLY how long we'll be at the hospital. I don't know when she'll walk again. Scottish Rite wants her OFF her feet other than going to the bathroom (which is allowed with a walker) for the moment. We'll see how she responds to her R&R. I don't know if I'll have a bed there...or if I'll have internet access...
But we do know that it is definately Legg Perthes...and we do know that she got a new wheelchair on loan. It's hardly a consolation...but at least it's a really cool pink...
Below...our wheelchair and the new one that actually fits and is all zoomy from SR...
See ya around...
I am sorry to hear this about your daughter. I pray that your time in the hospital is blessed by God.
I haven't heard of this condition before.
Your attitude is super and the smile on your little one is beautiful.
I will be praying for you and your family.
Have a wonderful day!
I just read your blog after getting a prayer request from Calvary Chapel. I teach Sarah's Sunday School 3rd & 4th grade Sunday School class. I'll be praying for her and will ask the class to pray for her too.
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