Apparently the oatmeal NEEDED stirring within the 120 seconds that I was gone. I swear, I need to tie that girl to the chair.
Now, to be sure, she was scolded, and she is not allowed to unbuckle her seat belt without me in the room. But...I thought it'd make you all happy to see that she is FEELING better. Remember the whole 72 hours??? HAZAAR!!
Now onward toward mobility, eh?
I've found out that we are to be admitted at 9 am Thursday.
I've found out that she can receive packages and such, just no latex balloons, mylar is fine...please send cards, notes or whatever. She could use your words.
I've found out that the address information is...
Texas Scottish Rite for Children
2222 Welborn Street
Dallas, TX 75219
make a notation...for Sarah Elizabeth Hamlin
I've found out that I will have at least limited internet connectivity...
I've found out that I will have a sleeping place in her room...
I still have NOT found out how long we will be there...we are hoping for a weekend release, but I'll keep you posted.
You and your wonderful family are in my thoughts constantly. I'm sorry about this new turn of events. Is is common to have LP in both hips? I really want to know all that is being said by the doctors so keep me in the loop.
Please give Sarah a kiss for me--how I wish I could be there right now to help with kids or whatever. I make a mean PB and J, or in Gma Ruth style--PB and pickle.
I love you all
Auntie Corkels
Hi Stacey!
Wow, I don't know what to say. I cried reading your recent blog pages. Now that I'm a mom I think I feel everything in a new place in my heart.
Sarah is so strong and calm. I love the picture of her up out of her fancy wheelchair...she's a champ! Give her a huge hug from me, she's my little hero! Adults cannot handle what she is capable of handling. We could all learn from her. I wish I were closer to see her & to hug you & help out with anything. We could "pimp" her wheelchair ride!
Thinking of you guys & sending all my love & hugs. Sarah is truly amazing! And she couldn't be in a more supportive, helpful environment. You are doing all you can....that DOES make a HUGE difference!
Love you & your family,
Cousin Colleen
Dear Stacie and Family, I was so sad to hear of Sarah's worsened condition...I cry with your Mom, and give her support where I can. Please know that we are praying for Sarah and the entire family...Only good wishes. With love "Miss Aggie"
Hi Stacey and Sarah...
I am so sorry to hear the rough news. It looks like Sarah is as vivacious, strong, and fun as ever...just like I remember her. Those qualities, not to mention her great family, will help her so much while fighting through this. Which I know she will do by the way. Let her know I am thinking of her, and cheering for her every step of the way. Give her a big hug from me. Love you guys very much...
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