I think he and I are in conflict of what our final goals in this thing are...
I don't want an osteotomy...
He agrees she's not a candidate for an osteotomy...
I want her to be able to move about a bit more...her back is getting sweaty and sore from the constant pressure...her legs are constantly bumpy with pressure marks of the foam boot...
He said we can work that out...
I want her to be as pain free as possible while we ride out this first few months of Legg Perthes in the right hip...knowing that the first couple months can be painful and stiff enough as the hip errodes...
He wants her range of motion to be a 30% before we leave the hospital..
UMMM...hmmmm...this is the beginning of our problem.
One of the ways to get her to 30% is to sedate her and rotate it while she's under sedation...this seemed to be a surgical option to me...but I need to ask again...if it's a simple adjustment situation, I probably wouldn't balk to badly...but it sounded more like under anesthesia, scoping and such...which doesn't sound like it's going to be LESS pain.
The other way mentioned was casting with a bar between her legs to put it at some angle for 4 to 6 weeks. Again...this doesn't sound LESS painful to this momma. Nevermind what it may mean for us as a family as this would be a situation that was monitored in the hospital...as in she wouldn't be coming home.
I need to figure out WHY 30%. I realized this morning that I didn't ask that question...please forgive me...I'm beyond tired. I'm pretty sure that she wasn't at 30% mobility for the first at least 6 months the first time around...but I could be wrong on that. It's possible that 30% has a much greater significance than I understand right now. As of this moment the Doctor wants us here until mid-week next week, at which point we will re-visit the options. He will not be here Monday or Tuesday so I'm hoping I'll get my questions answered before he goes out of town.
So, that's where we are.
I do need to say how very VERY blessed we are. Sarah is BORED...and uncomfortable but otherwise really good. She is not in any pain. She CAN walk to the bathroom, the only trouble she has is FIRST thing in the morning...then she is pretty stiff and needs her walker. There are much worse cases here...Kids who's problems break my heart, who make me realize just how blessed we are.
Keep us in your prayers...we still have a bunch to decide on and understand.
Here are some pictures from yesterday...We had a MESS o visitors...it was lovely...But I only got pictures of the first group...my friend Mrs. Mudd came with her two girls Guinevere and Ophelia (not their real names)...but Mr. and Mrs. Underdog (blog)and all their kids came too...JB from a few posts ago is their daughter.
This is Ophelia, Guinevere and Sarah Bean
And here they are WATCHING TV...
See ya around...
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