Thursday, November 20, 2008

Time out, indeed...

What is that?

I'm pretty sure I told her to sit on the couch. I'm pretty sure she was being a tad irritating and I told her to chill out by herself. I'm pretty sure she was crying just a second ago. I THOUGHT she was terribly sad that she had misbehaved and caused her mother a frowning brow.

This is not what I had in mind. I'm sure that I meant she was to be solemn...quiet....still. She was SUPPOSED to be THINKING about what she had done and coming to some sort of repentance. Those feet are not solemn. Nor do they look repentant in the least.

I believe those unrepentant feet are dancing.

Sigh...sometimes the cuteness just sneaks up on me.

See ya around...

1 comment:

CrossView said...

Thank you for letting the cuteness sneak up on me, too! I'd have a hard time keeping a straight face around those little feet! =D