Monday, July 6, 2009

Shoes Tripled...

See, I told ya we were alive.

Yesterday, we decided that it was time for Beanie to have some new tennies. The heel lift that she wears in her left shoe makes her outgrow shoes much faster than ever before.

So after lunch, I took Beanie and Bear shopping. Monkey Face went home with Daddy. After trying on shoe after shoe...and agonizing over the increasing ugliness of the choices, we came across those little pink Converse. I thought those would work, and I have always thought they were cute. And I know we are no longer IN the 80's but y'know, retro is cool.

So I went in search of bigger Converse. Well, of course, NOWADAYS, the girl Converse are low top (at least in this store). We tried them on, hoping against hope...Boy, were they cute...but to no avail. Bean's heel-lift is a 12mm which pretty much puts her right out of the top of most shoes and this was no different.

So before I allowed tragedy to reign...I thought..."Hey, maybe there will be something in the boys section...I mean c'mon, Converse are Converse, RIGHT?" So off we trudge with Beanie making those, "Don-wanna-wear-boy-shoes" faces. Come to discover, old mom is right, Converse ARE Converse...and black is cool.

Back to our trying on spot...I stuffed the heel lift in there...and then I sat cross-legged on the floor dealing with the unlacing and re-lacing that comes with a new set of Converse on a kid who can't bend her legs.

You should have see her face when she stood up. Positively beaming. And then she cantered about the store..."Mom, MOM, my heel lift doesn't slide in these...I don't feel like I'm going to fall...Mom, I LOVE these"..."yes, dear, now come over here and shhh, people are staring"...No, I didn't really say that...I thought it a teeny bit, and then got over myself.

Anyway, one look and Bear wanted those EXACT same shoes. Never mind that she NEEDS, she was having the same shoes as Beanie. I caved. I am a child of the 80s who never got my very own pair of Converse...I borrowed a pair from my wasn't the same and frankly, it makes me weak in these situations.

So then came the next difficult portion...finding a 13, wait, no a 12, oh wait, you look like a duck, maybe an black. There was a black one with flames that BOTH of the girls decided was too boyish...I'd have had them...flames are cool. Anyway, in time the proper sized black all-stars were procured.

Of course, they couldn't have matching shoes and leave Monkey-Face out. My kids are considerate that way. And determined. "Mom, just think of how she would feel...oh, Mom, pa-lease, look at how cute these pink ones are...C'mon Mom, you know she loves pink...Plllleeeeeeesssssseee!!" So what happened? I don't know why you can see the picture right there...I melted...just like a marshmallow in the microwave. Just sad.

They tried to talk me into getting a matching pair myself. They were so cute, searching up and down for just the right shoes for mom, while I, dutifully searched for the new pair of sandals I actually needed...and they found some pink ones. But I was strong. Number one they were low tops...not my favorite...AND they weren't the plaid ones...if they had been I'd have been lost.

So for awhile, you'll be able to recognize me around town...I'll be the one with the herd of Converse traipsing behind me.

See ya around...

1 comment:

Crale said...

Technically, marshmallows puff up enormously and THEN deflate....and then melt. I could see you deflating and melting but puffing up enormously would cause a scene. :)
