Wednesday, September 18, 2013

And We're off...

We just got back from a big ol' trip...I choose not to post until I got back...
I suppose for the safety of it...
These next few posts were written in the last few weeks.
Well, here we go...I have 16 days planned for on paper.  If all goes well, we will...
Be in six new-to-the-girls states...
Stay in 6 or maybe 7 different beds...
Put our feet in two new MAJOR bodies of water...and play by a third which is just as famous as the other two, at least in this country...
We are going to witness history, both Civil War and NASA...
We are going to learn about sea life and boating...
We are going to learn about campers and all it takes to pull them and plug them in and pack them up...and learn to camp with boys...
Go to a theme park that I went to in 1981 when it opened...I was probably 10 at the time...maybe 11...I will be taking a child who is 10 with me...which is a very weird feeling.  (14 and 8 also coming, but not as weird for some reason.)
See a brand new start up business and a couple of uncles...AND, hopefully eat some chocolate...
During the prep phase I have done all the stuff I'm supposed to including but not limited to getting the oil changed, checking the tire pressure, getting gas, packing the cooler, making sure we have clothing and making sure that we are stocked with Altoids, so that we can all "breathe friendly". 
Tally ho!
See ya around...

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