For instance...I FINALLY took the girls to the nail place that I've been promising since Bear's birthday in February. We finally had a moment to breathe and gathered a couple of good friends and off we went.
But today. Today was a secret. Nobody knew what we were going to do...including the children and Bubba (well, Grandma knew and I told Beanie on Monday).
For months and months we've been working on the house. MONTHS AND MONTHS. And today, we did something that we've been trying to find time to do since MAY. I didn't want to tell anyone 'cuz I wasn't positive that I could pull it off...either with timing or manpower.
Thankfully, I called a friend of mine who also happens to clean my house...Miss M., we'll call her. I said, "Could you, would you, help me?"...well she could and would...and did indeed, show up this morning at 9:00am. By the time she got there Grandma and I had cleared something out...and then were taping some other stuff...and we were still in a quandary on what to do on some other stuff (you wouldn't think that ceiling fans would make for such interesting conversation). Miss M. was unable to completely answer all of our SHE called her hubby who just happened to be home...and in short order we were directing Mr. G. to our door.
And OOOOOOOOHhhhh, are we glad that they came. Because I learned a million things that I never knew before and we were able to complete something in about 6 hours that probably would have taken me more than a day by myself...
What did we do?
You really want to know?
Do you have any guesses???
Well, I guess that I can tell you now...I mean, it's not like you are going to actually answer me in time for me to toy with you...besides...I did call this "The Secret Day" so it would be rude not to out my secret...
So...drum roll please...
check it out...
That's right we ALL painted.
Here is the first time we painted that room...this is Beanie at 4...right after we moved into the house...
Notice that the walls are purple...
In all these years...this wall hasn't changed much, but it's a great for comparison.
And here is the after...the young lady room that we've been "working on" since May when she got her new bed spread...check it out...
and here is that wall again...
I have to say...the 16 year old in me is GIDDY at the color of the ceiling. Seriously, I'd lie there and stare at it if that kid would get out of the way.
Oh, and by now, Bubba has seen it and so has Beanie's best girl friend from down the street. It has received the seal of approval from Bubba...and even better the ear-piercing SQUEAL that only a ten or eleven year old girl can bestow with such clarity.
I owe a SERIOUS thank you to Mr. G and Miss M. without whom I'd have had to learn some of that stuff on my own...and who wants that?
See ya around...
Wow! Seriously! I LOVE it! What a neat surprise! And how great that you got so much help. The work goes faster and the laughing and giggling make the time pass. Envy, here. Lots of envy! =D
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